Project partners

The experience of the Polizzi Generosa municipality was further strengthened and enriched by what came as a dowry from the rich public and private partnership instrumental in the achievement of the project.


  • Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo
    A leading centre for higher education, specialisation, research and production in the artistic and cultural sector.
    Institutionally, it has respected expertise in the fields of art history and technical education and subject areas: painting, sculpture, decoration, set design, graphics, education and visual communication, graphic design, audiovisual and multimedia, comics and illustration, photography, restoration.

  • Department of Architecture, University of Palermo
    DARCH's research and expertise cover the full spectrum field of analysis, investigation and transformation of the physical environment; and range from architectural, urban and landscape design to urban and territorial planning; from the design process in terms of requirements and performance, aimed at construction, to the diagnostics of architectural heritage, in terms of its conservation; from historical investigation to the survey and reconstruction of architectural heritage, aimed at its restoration and enhancement.

  • Madonie Park Authority
    Regional public law body established in 1989 for the management and protection of the lanes of the protected natural area. It is a member of the International Network of UNESCO Geoparks, within which more than 50% of the Mediterranean's biodiversity heritage is conserved.
    The 15 municipalities of the Park also include Polizzi Generosa.

  • Union of "Madonie" Municipalities
    Local authority of which 18 municipalities of the Madonie internal area are direct members and the other 3 through conventions.
    As the representative body of the Area Interna Madonie, it has placed local communities, caring for people and caring for mountain landscapes at the heart of its territorial policies, recovering the mosaic of knowledge that serves to strengthen the resilience and social capital of the territory, in terms of flows and cycles of matter and energy (air, water, soil, energy), without forgetting the connections between work and income for producers, healthy food for consumers, the beauty of the landscape for tourists, places of recreation for inhabitants and ecosystem services for the entire community.



  • Giacomo Cuticchio Ensemble Association
    Giacomo Cuticchio Ensemble was founded in 2006, developing a range of experiences in organising and staging live cultural events with internationally renowned artists.
    From the outset, it set out to promote the musical heritage written by Maestro Giacomo Cuticchio, puppeteer, composer and heir to one of Sicily's most enduring and vital theatrical traditions, in concert, theatre and film festivals.
    Over the years, the Ensemble expanded to 5 instruments, finding the perfect balance for an 'epic chivalry' style of music that fully expresses the sounds and atmospheres typical of the Teatro dei Pupi Siciliani.

  • Lympha Association
    A non-profit association which, since 2018 has been organising themed philosophy events recognised by the Ministry of Education and, above all, the 'Festival delle Filosofie' (, which has now become a regular event for the City of Palermo, attracting an impressive guest list.

  • Palermo Teatro Libero Association
    A centre for theatre production and research, founded in 1968, its identity and cultural heritage are aimed at the enhancement and cultural promotion of public spaces used for live performance activities.
    Over the past thirty years, it has activated, stimulated, designed and led cultural projects aimed at various towns and communities, ranging from the centre to the periphery.

  • International Research and Training Centre for Intercultural Dialogue
    The C.I.R.F.D.I., founded in November 2018, is a 2nd-level association, which means that its members are other associations and, specifically: the SFI (Italian Philosophical Society), Vicenza section - S.I.T.I. (Italian Society of Timology), S. Bonifacio (VR) - A.D.E.C. ("European Teachers' Association for Citizenship") (PD) - P.E.S. (European Student Parliament) (PD) - Academy of Historical and Philosophical Studies 'Areté' Schio (VI) - L.A.M.B. (Free Academy of Biological Medicine) (PA).
    Building a new humanism is the primary objective of C.I.R.F.D.I. activities.

  • 'G.A. Borgese' Foundation
    The constitution was promoted by the municipality of Polizzi Generosa, of which it is a partner together with other private partners.
    It is a body with private legal personality with the aim of carrying out every initiative to enhance and disseminate the figure and work of G.A. Borgese as well as any broader initiative for the enhancement of local cultural heritage.
    It manages the 'Casa Borgese' following an agreement signed with the municipality.

  • Fondazione 'PG5Cuori E.T.S.'
    Set up on the wishes of fashion designer Domenico Dolce, the Honorary President, and his family, who are natives of Polizzi Generosa, its main objective is to enhance, promote and make use of the town of Polizzi Generosa in the world, through the knowledge and dissemination of its rich historical, artistic, cultural and environmental heritage, aiming, of course, to bring out, affirm and strengthen the local area and its community.
    It specialises in the creation of art and enhancement initiatives through the design of experiential workshops of traditional embroidery-related handicrafts and in providing specialised support and project contributions with regard to the regeneration and development of a new attractiveness as well as innovative solutions, relying on the broad involvement of its supporting members (more than 130).

  • The Brass Group Foundation
    The Brass Group Foundation, an association established in 1974, has become Italy's largest jazz music production foundation, one of the rarest in Europe.
    It is based in two of the most beautiful historical sites in the city of Palermo: the 16th-century monumental complex of Santa Maria dello Spasimo and the Real Teatro Santa Cecilia (17th century), the oldest theatre in Sicily and the only historical public theatre for jazz anywhere in the world.
    The Brass Group Foundation organises and manages a permanent orchestral ensemble, called the 'Sicilian Jazz Orchestra', specialising in the performance of contemporary music.
    It provides for the professional training of its artistic and technical personnel and the musical education of the community through the 'Scuola popolare di musica', one of the most important in the area, not only in Sicily.
    The Parliament of the Region of Sicily has recognised 'The Brass Group' Foundation as a primary instrument for the production and dissemination of the art and musical culture of our time, with particular attention to Jazz and Afro-American derived music.

  • Impresa sociale No Profit Impacta srl
    Impacta works on the foundations for an Economy of Beauty.
    It creates shared paths in which economic, cultural, social and environmental impacts intertwine in a single flow of growth for the territory, the community and each individual.
    Its objectives are to generate an Economy of Beauty, i.e. to accompany, train, coordinate and support the actions of individual actors in an area, so as to lead them towards an ecosystemic vision capable of transforming the actions of individuals into a real economy, new jobs, new prospects capable of reversing the abandonment of villages, neighbourhoods and historic centres, of attracting new investments in time, energy and money.

  • Nota Preziosa s.r.l.
    An artistic production company with a marketing & communication branch specialising in the development of the creative side from a solid marketing grid.
    The placemaking strategy starts from the need for a place to be perceived not only as physical but also as a place of the mind and emotions. The project therefore aims to put into practice a communication strategy that focuses not only on the cultural asset or the individual initiative, but on the entire country, in order to generate in the public/consumer an emotional attachment to the brand.

  • Paesaggio Culturale Italiano Srl - Associazione I Parchi Letterari®
    The I Parchi Letterari® network was reconstituted in 2010 following a responsible approach to landscape, cultural heritage and local economies.
    There are currently 29 Literary Parks in Italy, encompassing around 60 municipalities and ensuring a permanent presence over a large part of the Italian territory. Two Literary Parks are in operation in Norway and project phases have been initiated to establish Literary Parks in Albania, Greece, France and Belgium.
    Not only the authors and their works to which the parks are dedicated, but the many stories, environments, monuments, traditions, rocks, trees, rivers, paths and individual people come together in a landscape that links man and the environment in an ever-evolving cultural web.
    And the Literary Parks seek to accompany this evolution by whispering to the visitor the verses and words of Virgil, Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, Carlo Levi, Isabella Morra, Federico II, Francesco Petrarca, Giuseppe Dessì, Grazia Deledda Gabriele d'Annunzio and many others.
    The Municipality of Polizzi Generosa joins the Network.

  • Società Cooperativa Culture
    A leading company in the cultural heritage sector in Italy in terms of size, know-how and market, for about 30 years it has been designing and managing services for cultural assets, popular heritage and territorial networks, reception and communication activities for visitors, integrated booking, pre-sale and ticketing systems, multimedia supports for education, digital platforms for the promotion of territories in cultural and tourism terms.
    The Cooperative has a widespread presence in more than 165 cultural venues across the country and constantly works on the expansion and engagement of different audiences, implementing an audience development strategy that does not simply aim to increase users in purely quantitative terms, but also and above all to improve participation by focusing on reception, building loyalty and diversification, favouring different levels of cultural, social and physical accessibility.
    In addition to specialised services within museum sites, the management of regeneration processes has been added in recent years - both physical regeneration of museum spaces and, on a broader level, of city areas with the aim of bringing positive external aspects into the contexts of reference and, above all, of involving inhabitants and visitors/tourists.
    The territorial development projects are accompanied - partly through networking with several Italian universities and specialised partners - by digital platforms for the co-creation and promotional marketing of integrated and cross-sectoral cultural experiences and multimedia aids for use, in order to create added value and reach new targets.

  • Strateghia srl
    A company specialised in territorial marketing actions and in particular in tourism and culture, developing sound expertise over time in the following fields: destination marketing and design of territorial animation initiatives; business creation and enhancement of community initiatives; supporting the common good and designing social impact initiatives; attracting foreign investment for the redevelopment of villages with a view to residential tourism.

  • WonderfulItaly srl
    It has adequate skills to foster urban territorial regeneration of marginal areas and social innovation through the creation of widespread hospitality networks and catalogues of tourism experiences; development of micro-businesses in the field of non-hotel hospitality, reception, cleaning and facility management.



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