The palace was the birthplace of the illustrious Italian historian Giovan Battista Caruso.
BRIEF HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Built between the 16th and 17th centuries by Giuseppe Caruso, a man from a distinguished family from Naples who was awarded a barony in the Xireni territories. His son Placido, from his second marriage, married Anna Maria Alimena, who gave birth to Giovan Battista Caruso in 1673. He was a renowned historian of the kingdom and author of various works, including one on the history of ancient Sicily: the "Bibliotheca historica Regni Siciliae". In 1700 the palace passed to the Porcari-Li Destri family, heirs of the Caruso family in the female line.
Between Via S. Michele Arcangelo and Piazza Giovanni Battista Caruso - Polizzi Generosa
Opening days
The site can only be viewed externally